It Pays to Know!

Welcome to!  My name is Ed Downs and I hope my video inspired you to learn more about managing your own money. My passion is helping people, particularly young adults, achieve life goals and financial independence by providing unique insights and practical financial solutions.

Personal finance statistics show that many adults, especially young adults, struggle with financial literacy and don’t feel confident about their financial futures. Parents and schools may offer basic personal finance education, but it often results in substandard outcomes. And working with a financial planner or advisor doesn’t eliminate the need to intimately understand and actively manage your money.

Becoming proficient at personal finance requires both literacy and the discipline to plan for your future and consistently track your progress towards life goals at all ages. If you’re a self-starter with a basic understanding of spreadsheets, then I can help.

By reading my books and using the worksheets, you will:

  • Create more-informed goals and plans
  • Track your financial condition
  • Make better financial decisions
  • Increase your self-awareness and confidence
  • Improve your chances of achieving financial independence earlier in life

Improve Your Financial Know-How Today!