Scholarship Information is offering a $500 scholarship award to students who exhibit financial literacy

What is the purpose of this scholarship award?

This scholarship award was created to bring awareness to the importance of being financially literate and help High School and College teachers or administrators recognize students for exhibiting proficiency in that subject.

How is the scholarship award funded?

100% of all proceeds from sale of my books are set aside to fund the scholarship.

How do I apply?

The scholarship is offered to students through their High School or College, if your school participates. This award is available to High School’s and Colleges in my home state of New Jersey (NJ).

For High School teachers/administrators working at a High School or College in NJ that offers personal financial literacy education, this scholarship award can be used to acknowledge student(s) for their proficiency in that subject.

If you are a student taking a financial literacy course in High School or at your College, you should notify your teacher about the availability of this scholarship award.

If you are interested in finding out more about the scholarship award, please send an email to