Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2025.
Thank you for continuing to support my efforts to increase personal financial proficiency and well-being.
I believe strongly in the financial and emotional value of the content I produce and it gives me great pleasure when I hear and see it helping others.
I created DIYmoneytrack.com to support the content in my books, obtain feedback from readers about new content, and connect with other DIY financiers.
I’m delighted to report that my mission continues to gain traction.
2024 was a good year. During the year:
- Total content downloaded from DIYmoneytrack.com increased from 639 to 1,747, or from 2x per day on average in 2023 to 5x per day on average in 2024.1 A list of the most downloaded content can be found here.
- User acquisition and engagement rates increased by 12% and 150%, respectively.2
- Email subscribers increased by 25%.3
- The click-through rate on emails was 4.13%, higher than a cross-industry average click-through rate of 2.62%.4
- New Followers on LinkedIn increased by 64.5
- Charitable contributions increased 318%.6
If you know others who would benefit from improving their financial proficiency and well-being, please direct them to subscribe for free at DIYmoneytrack.com.
If you have any questions or feedback, I can be reached at ed@DIYmoneytrack.com or through LinkedIn.
It Pays to Know!
- WordPress Downloads
- Google Analytics
- Mailchimp
- Mailchimp
- LinkedIn Analytics
- Book royalty income distributed to charities in 2024 vs 2023