Are your investments outperforming the market?

How do you know if your investment portfolio is performing better than the market?

The answer is your investment alpha.

Alpha is a measure of an investment’s performance compared to a benchmark, like a market index.

If your investments are not meeting or exceeding your benchmark(s) over a time period, then you may need to reevaluate your investments and strategy.

As referenced in my book Making Big Money Decisions, investing in underperforming assets generates considerable opportunity costs and suppresses wealth accumulation. Use the content in this post to ensure you’re getting the best return on your invested money.

By reading this post, you will learn why alpha is a key performance indicator for managing your investment portfolio, and how to calculate and use it to optimize your investment strategy.*

Continue reading “Are your investments outperforming the market?”

16 online resources for making big money decisions

Statistics on the state of personal finance show that many adults, particularly young adults, struggle with financial literacy and are concerned about their ability to fund life goals like buying a house and retiring comfortably.

One way to overcome these concerns is by making the unknown known through financial planning and money management. Like many things in life, getting started is probably the hardest part. Time is an essential element in both life and personal finance, so use it to your advantage by starting your planning as early as possible.

Continue reading “16 online resources for making big money decisions”