Need more balance in your life? Try using a balanced scorecard

If you still need help developing your 2025 resolutions, then I recommend adapting a management tool popular in the business world – the Balanced Scorecard.

The Balanced Scorecard was developed by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton in 1992. It’s used by businesses, governments, and non-profits around the world to measure their performance and improve strategic results, and is considered one of the most influential business ideas of the past 75 years.

Whether you’re working or retired, the Balanced Scorecard framework can be adapted to your personal life. Read on to learn how.

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Do you know your Return on Spending?

You may have heard of return on investment (ROI), but what about return on spending (ROS)?

Return on Spending (ROS) is a metric that measures the financial return on non-investment expenditures.  

Ok, but how do I generate a return on my non-investment spending?

If you use a credit card with cash-back rewards to make purchases, then you can monetize the financial benefits of “paying later” to generate a return on your spending.*

To learn more about ROS, including how to calculate and the positive impact it has on your Purchasing Power, please read on.

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Why you should set up your Social Security account online as soon as possible

If you’ve been collecting a regular paycheck in the U.S., then your employer has been deducting Social Security taxes. These deductions are typically itemized on your paystub as “FICA SS TAX”. Your employer matches these contributions and sends both portions to the Social Security Administration.

Even if you already know about this deduction, you may not have realized that information about your Social Security tax payments and future benefits are available to you online at the Social Security Administration (SSA) website.

If you have not already created your my Social Security account online, then you should do so as soon as possible. Read on to find out why you should set up an online account and how to do it.

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Protecting yourself from cybercriminals

Financial damages from cybercrime are growing at an alarming rate. The total global impact of cybercrime to individuals, businesses, and governments in 2023 was estimated to be an astounding $11 trillion, and is expected to cost the global economy more than $20 trillion by 2026. In the U.S alone, the FBI recorded more than 880,000 cybercrime complaints by individuals with potential damages totaling $12.5 billion in 2023, up from $3.5 billion only four years ago. By some estimates, roughly one-third of U.S. residents have experienced some form of identity theft and that figure is expected to rise.

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Are your investments outperforming the market?

How do you know if your investment portfolio is performing better (or worse) than the market?

The answer is your investment alpha.

Alpha is a measure of an investment’s performance compared to a benchmark, like a market index.

If your investments are not meeting or exceeding your benchmark(s) over a time period, then you may need to reevaluate your investments and strategy.

As referenced in my book Making Big Money Decisions, investing in underperforming assets generates considerable opportunity costs and suppresses wealth accumulation. Use the content in this post to ensure you’re getting the best return on your invested money.

By reading this post, you will learn why alpha is a key performance indicator for managing your investment portfolio, and how to calculate and use it to optimize your investment strategy.*

Continue reading “Are your investments outperforming the market?”

16 online resources for making big money decisions

Statistics on the state of personal finance show that many adults, particularly young adults, struggle with financial literacy and are concerned about their ability to fund life goals like buying a house and retiring comfortably.

One way to overcome these concerns is by making the unknown known through financial planning and money management. Like many things in life, getting started is probably the hardest part. Time is an essential element in both life and personal finance, so use it to your advantage by starting your planning as early as possible.

Continue reading “16 online resources for making big money decisions”