Why you should set up your Social Security account online as soon as possible

If you’ve been collecting a regular paycheck in the U.S., then your employer has been deducting Social Security taxes. These deductions are typically itemized on your paystub as “FICA SS TAX”. Your employer matches these contributions and sends both portions to the Social Security Administration.

Even if you already know about this deduction, you may not have realized that information about your Social Security tax payments and future benefits are available to you online at the Social Security Administration (SSA) website.

If you have not already created your my Social Security account online, then you should do so as soon as possible. Read on to find out why you should set up an online account and how to do it.

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How to protect your credit reports

In my prior post on protecting yourself from cybercriminals, I shared steps you can take to stay ahead of fraudsters trying to use your personal data against you and steal your identity. While all of those actions should be used to protect yourself, there is one action I recommend you consider implementing now:

Create a fraud alert or freeze access to your credit reports.

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Protecting yourself from cybercriminals

Financial damages from cybercrime are growing at an alarming rate. The total global impact of cybercrime to individuals, businesses, and governments in 2023 was estimated to be an astounding $11 trillion, and is expected to cost the global economy more than $20 trillion by 2026. In the U.S alone, the FBI recorded more than 880,000 cybercrime complaints by individuals with potential damages totaling $12.5 billion in 2023, up from $3.5 billion only four years ago. By some estimates, roughly one-third of U.S. residents have experienced some form of identity theft and that figure is expected to rise.

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